SUGARThis great tasting food has worked its way into our lives since birth. Do you remember eating candy as a child, how good it felt and...
Natural MedicineOver the years, I have been forced to find alternative medicine to improve my health. After being under the care of many doctors, I found...
What the New Year BringsHappy New Year Everyone!! I hope the new year brings you joy and peace. Today I thought I would share with you the life and times of...
Today's SaladCollard Green salad with creamy homemade hummus sauce. My salad of the week. Easy to make, full of nutrients and absolutely delicious....
Arsenic in ChickensToday someone shared a website with me about how FDA found 70% inorganic cancer causing arsenic in chickens sold for human consumption in...
Introducing Pork Chop and HamPork chop and Ham are the new additions to our homestead. Just a little over 6 weeks old they are as cute as can be. Joe keeps telling...
'Tis the Season to Get Sickly, My Masters Tonic Will Help YouMy Masters Tonic or commonly known as Master Tonic, is a blend of kitchen herbs that fight off viral and bacterial illnesses. I call it...
There Were Feathers Everywhere!We have to take one day at a time, because we don't want to worry about the days ahead. We just do the basics and let the Lord take care...
We Move a Little SlowerAs you can imagine, when one gets up in age, one has to be a bit more careful out in the field and move a little slower than your average...
You are Not AloneWhen Joe and I moved here, we knew nothing about farming. The only information we had on livestock was from YouTube. I never picked up...